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"i love you"
is 3 words 8 letters
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I'm back, with a message of LOVE :D

don't mind the drawing above.. :D

anyways, I'm back.. yea, com finally fixed and guess what, my dream of getting a VAIO is gone. I'm getting some lame com instead.. ): my HP Compaq now is like, screwed up.

anyways, I'm kinda tired to post anything up now.
just a few words though, i find reminiscence quite funny, it can also be painful at the same time, and hurtful.

sometimes i look back through the past, mine usually. sometimes other peoples past, like people i care and love.
when you read back or think back these kind of things, the first thing you have to do is build up trust in yourself and in that person you are with (if you're looking back at their past)

without trust, you can resolve into misunderstanding and unnecessary argument. thats what i just learned. say, you look back at your past, and you had an ex-girlfriend/boyfriend, and if you aren't strong enough, you'll fall back into the pass and thinking shits that you're not supposed to think of. you're destroying your relationship between who you're with currently, slowly killing it, without you knowing..

and if you look at your partners past, be sure you never get any wrong ideas. remember that they 'were' together before, not 'are'. so just stay strong, and build trust in relationships. its good to talk about it so we wont have to think about anything and go paranoid about thinking of it over and over again and not getting an answer for it. so, just have faith with one another. she loves you, he loves you. its meant to be.

love doesnt come by choosing the perfect one, there is no perfect one. love comes from building relationships, the longer you get to know he or she, the better you both will live together without killing each other. love comes by relationship in trust, not finding the perfect one.

so remember, there's no perfect love in this world, fairy-tales were never real. its reality you have to face, and to make a love perfect is to go through trial and errors and mend it as we continue fighting this battlefield that we fell into.

i should be a psychiatrist or a love guru perhaps. :D
haha, just saying.

so anyways, have a great week. (:

p/s: check out the post for Tokio Hotel & Pitbulls concert.. :D

click her for the links.. :D (click)


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