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"i love you"
is 3 words 8 letters
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Friday, March 19, 2010

Misguided Ghost

hey.. whats up..

its March 19. Its a Friday. I'm just gonna update on a little bit of this and that and somewhere in between the lines of what happened this week. oh and yea, there's a reason why i posted up the pic above.

Sunday, went to church. its called New Life Sanctuary. its a nice church ; small, cozy, friendly congregations.
its been long since i went to Sunday mass. met new youths, great kids.. :D mom wants to put me in their hip hop class, since i couldn't attend one with kelvin last time. yea, i church hop.

after church i went to bells place for a while, then went to visit dad in the hospital. yea dad was in the hospital.. then had dinner at bells place. we ordered McD's.

Monday and Tuesday did nothing much. stoned at home.. :D

Wednesday went to KLCC with Bells, Denise, Gab, Josh, Reika and some other peeps that i not know off. and on Thursday i slept my ass off cause i was pissed..

anyways.. back to the original topic. the picture above, what do you see?
all i see is a guy who doesn't care about his father. i used to be like that, my real family was my friends.
but what i learned on Sunday was wealth. you aren't wealthy if you only have lots of money, but you are wealthy when you have a great family beside you all the time.

there was a story during the service.

there was a man who was very rich and he had a child, his one and only son. he could buy gifts for his son without thinking twice. whatever the son wanted, he got it. whatever the son asks, it was on his table.
the father could throw him a party that worth's thousands and thousands of dollars, but the saddest part was, the boy couldn't spend time with the father. the man said,

"Boy, you can only have an hour of my time every week. the rest of the time, ask your mom to talk, play, entertain you etc. don't disturb me"

and the only time that the kid could talk to his dad was once a week at the dinner table on random days.

is that wealth, when you cant even spend time with your dad..?

wealth isn't really about money, no it never was. wealth is about passion towards you loved ones, the great families you have. and since my dad went into hospital. i learned to love him more each day. who knows when he might leave right. I'm still so young, just 17. what am i gonna do if he wasn't there. i still have so much to learn, so much to know about, so much to tell him.

so all you people out there.. love your old man, even if it kills. you never know when will be the last time you tell him you love him. could be tomorrow, could be the next day, could be now when your reading this post. you'll never know.

Bells helped me alot in this situation though, and i dearly love her for that. she was there for me during my ups and downs. when i was mad, she told me the truth, and it didn't hurt.. it was better.

tell you old man you love him.

have a great day.


when i said i don't mind, i really do
i just didn't wanna upset you;
when i said its okay, it never was
all of this i did, was out out of love

0 BLAH'S!:

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