Happy Birthday Ms. Cath..
You've been a great supervisor and friend.. (:
Well.. first day of GRC for me wouldnt have been the same if u werent around.. or if i didnt get to know you.. you've been a good listener and person to talk to.. and share photography info's about.. thanks for helping me with my works and spiritual life.. and thanks for letting me play for Friday chapel service when i was like still a "new fish out of the water".. xD
i know sometimes Ive been a "bad" student.. but yea.. everyone makes mistakes too right.. or bad stuff.. o.O heh.
anyways.. hope you'll have a great birthday this year.. and sorry if ever troubled you in a way or didn't listen to you when u were trying to tell me something and make me a better person.. :D
have a superb birthday this year.. and hopefully i wont give you much stress in time.. xD
take care.. and have a blessed birthday.. (:
P/S: oh yea.. sorry for stealing the pic.. :P
sincerely yours..
keiffer james.. (:
keiffer james.. (:
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